63rd Russian Archeological and Ethnographic Conference of Students and Young Scholars
On April 26-29, 2023, the 63rd Russian (with international participation) Archeological and Ethnographic Conference of Students and Young Scholars (RAESK-2023) was held. The Conference was organized by the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Humanity Institute of the Novosibirsk State University supported by the “National History” and “Educational Projects Support” funds (the “Education” fund).
In the course of the event, young scholars from various universities and science organizations from 30 cities and towns in Russia and near abroad (Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) as well as Chinese and Columbian students from the Russian universities met.
When opening the conference, Andrey Krivoshapkin, Director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laid emphasis on a special role of regular archeological and ethnographic conferences of young scholars in building future professional and personal ties, providing scientific mobility and choosing future profile. The participants watched a video message from Irina Manuylova, Deputy Governor of the Novosibirsk Region, who has noted a strategically important position of archeology and ethnology at the interface of interdisciplinary interaction between the two disciplines and natural science, math, and IT.
Andrey Zuev, Director of the Humanity Institute of the Novosibirsk State University, has acknowledge that archeology has always been his dream profession and wished the young scholars every success in future work. Maya Gichgeldieva, Director of the “Education” fund that supported the conference, has told that she is particularly waiting for successful results in ethnographic sections. The fund already provided support for the institute and university activities to involve young scholars in the work with ethnographic heritage of the region.
The conference work has been organized in 13 special sections, with 200 reports presented, among which 160 reports were made in person and 40 were presented online. You can follow the link to read the report abstracts. Section heads have noted their high professional level, high-quality presentations made by most participants, and high activity of the participants who asked numerous questions and took part in the scientific discussions. 7 Doctors of Sciences and 15 Candidates of Sciences have led sections. This has provided for the speakers an opportunity to obtain an expert assessment of their works.
The best reports have been marked with diplomas. It has been decided during the final plenary meeting that next RAESK will be held in 2024 in Chita, and Zabaikalye State University will be the major organizer.